Donnerstag, Februar 26, 2009
Dienstag, Februar 10, 2009
AFRIKA Representant beim G20?...
Hier eine aktion von "ONE" - dass u.a. von U2 Sänger Bono gesteuert wird. Ich finde das Anliegen richtig und wichtig. Du auch? Dann unterscheibe!:
I just signed a petition asking Prime Minister Gordon Brown to include a representative from the African Union at the G20 - a group of leaders of the world's twenty largest economies - summit in the UK this spring. This will be a key summit for shaping the road the world takes out of the financial crisis, and it's crucial that the world's poorest people be a part of that process.
I hope that you'll join me in taking action here: http://www.one.org/international/includeafrica/?rc=includeafricataf
This is an exceptional opportunity to get a seat at the table for developing nations. If they play a role in remaking the world's financial systems, it's significantly more likely that they will be able to reap the rewards of those systems. That's a big step in helping people work their way out of poverty.
Thanks Siegfried
I just signed a petition asking Prime Minister Gordon Brown to include a representative from the African Union at the G20 - a group of leaders of the world's twenty largest economies - summit in the UK this spring. This will be a key summit for shaping the road the world takes out of the financial crisis, and it's crucial that the world's poorest people be a part of that process.
I hope that you'll join me in taking action here: http://www.one.org/international/includeafrica/?rc=includeafricataf
This is an exceptional opportunity to get a seat at the table for developing nations. If they play a role in remaking the world's financial systems, it's significantly more likely that they will be able to reap the rewards of those systems. That's a big step in helping people work their way out of poverty.
Thanks Siegfried
Mittwoch, Februar 04, 2009
Afrika-Tag Sonntag 22.2. in Hannover
Gerade frisch aus Sambia angekommen wird Jeff Barber unser Vorbereitungstreffen für Uganda 2009 in Hannover (Lankwitzweg 56) am 22.2. einleiten. Der genaue Tagesablauf sieht so aus: Gottesdienst 10h (Reinhard Berle von Global-Care ist angefragt); Mittagessen ca. 12h; Sambiabericht von Jeff ca. 13h; Kaffee & Kuchen ca. 14.30; Ugandavorbereitungstreffen für alle Mitreisenden 15-ca.17h). Seid dabei - die Besitzer des "Miss Saigon" - unsere Soeradhiningrats - werden wieder für ca. 150 Leute das Mittagessen zubereiten. Wer bei ihnen schon in den Genuss eines Essens gekommen ist, wird allein deswegen mal "einfach" vorbeischauen!
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